pleasant grove high school newspaper, texarkana, tx


pleasant grove high school newspaper, texarkana, tx


pleasant grove high school newspaper, texarkana, tx


Mikaela Emphasis

Mikaela Emphasis, Co-Editor

Heyyy! I’m Mika Emphasis, one of the co-editors of the Edge and a founding member of the Journalism Wordle Experts Association. I joined newspaper as a sophomore and have spent the last two and a half years proving Mrs. Harris wrong about everything I’ve designed. When I’m bored (I’m always bored), I make Spotify playlists (61 playlists and counting). The only words I know are real, slay, and kys. Whenever there’s an inconvenience in my life, I cope by romanticizing it. I love crying — it’s therapeutic and I love knife necklaces and earrings. I believe being delulu is the solulu. Anyways, brb, about to prove Mrs. Harris wrong. #slay

ps. I write killer columns so check them out in the print edition and the archived columns here.

All content by Mikaela Emphasis
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